Portage la Prairie Regional Landfill
Portage Regional Landfill
26095 PR#227
Telephone: 204-871-4549
Site Manager: Robert Pohl
Email: rpohl@city-plap.com
The RM of Portage and the City of Portage operate a joint regional landfill. It is located at SW 22-13-5 on PR #227 (50° 6'27.96"N, 98° 4'10.54"W).(Click on the co-ordinates for a map).
Hours of Operation:
- November 1 to March 31 – Monday to Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- April 1 to October 31 – Monday to Saturday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
- Closed Sundays & All Statutory Holidays
Additional Information:
The Portage la Prairie Regional Landfill reminds you to take the time to ensure all of your waste makes it to the Landfill where it can be properly disposed of. The following reminders will help in accomplishing our goal of clean roadways:
1. All loads must be tarped and strapped so that nothing comes loose on your way to the Landfill.
2. Monitor your load at all times and stop and secure your load if necessary.
3. After unloading your waste, be sure all debris and nails are cleaned off and tail gates are closed before pulling away from the dumping area.
The Landfill will be enforcing our $60.00 penalty for untarped loads so please take the time to secure your load properly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in keeping Portage and area clean and a place we all can be proud of.
- Prohibited Waste – The site is prohibited from receiving hazardous wastes (ex. oil, flammable products, chemicals of any kind)
- There is no trespassing and no hunting allowed on the Landfill site. Your cooperation in helping to keep the customers and staff of the Landfill safe is appreciated.
Depositing or throwing litter from a vehicle is a $203.80 fine in Manitoba. $2543.65 if you’re in business vehicle! This is off the RCMP Manitoba Facebook page.
2023 Audited Financial Statement - Portage la Prairie Regional Landfill
For tipping fees and further information visit the City of Portage la Prairie regional landfill page found here.
Rate Increases for 2024 can be found here.
Westbourne Landfill Site - More information can be found here
Members of the Board
Doug McAuley (Chair), Terrie Porter (Vice-Chair),Roy Tufford, Garth Asham, Preston Meier and Ryan Espey,