Crowd Security - Crime App

The RM of Portage la Prairie has released a Crime App to be used for any RM Property Owners and Residents only. 

The intention of this app is for residents to report suspicious activity in their neighborhoods and report lost or stolen items.

To gain access to utilize the app residents must contact the RM office at 204-857-3821 or email to request an access code.  You will need to provide your name, civic address and/or Roll Number.

The access code will be provided to you via email once our office can confirm you reside in the RM of Portage la Prairie.  This code is a one-time use code, if there is more than one individual residing in the home each resident will need to contact the office to receive a code.  

Once you have received your access code, please follow these instructions on how to download, install and use the app.  


Remember to always report crime and suspicious activity to the RCMP as you normally would.  The RCMP DOES NOT monitor what is being posted on this app.